9. – 16.6.2024 | theme: ATMOSPHERE
Gathering of tribes Slovenija
CAPOEIRA RETREAT: 13. – 16.6. 2024 – camping Stari Pod, Adlešiči
WHOLE EVENT: 9. – 16.6. 2024 – Ljubljana / Adlešiči (camping Stari Pod)
“The Gathering of Tribes 2022 was the most beautiful Capoeira Workshop I have ever been to in 12 years of Capoeira.
I felt immediately at ease and comfortable in the warm, welcoming and accepting atmosphere, even though I hadn’t met anybody there in person before. I only knew a few people via Zoom, from our online trainings.
Loved the training part. No boring standard drills, instead the teachers used creative and explorative approaches to Capoeira movements. The same held true for the music part and the Rodas. Everybody could participate, and everybody got support.
Add to that the beautiful environment and the fantastic food. I will defnitely go again this year, and would recommend it to anybody involved or interested in Capoeira.”
– Henrike Eger / monitora da Capoeira, translator, movement teacher
INGREDIENTS of Capoeira retreat 2024:
– multinational teachers (mestre Russo de Caxias (BR), mestre Federico (IT), mestre Versatil (US), contramestre Thiago (BR/PT), contramestre Cavalo (HR), professora Katjuša (SI), estagiário Bocão (MY) )
– classes with specific themes (on movement & music) with live bateria
– topic-oriented rodas & open discussions
– local food prepared with love
– sleeping, training eating and socialising in pristine nature by Kolpa river
“The gathering of tribes 2022 has been amazing: a thorough experience with the power to align one’s soul, body and mind. Afro – descendents rhythms and music took primary stage in every second of the event, setting every participant at the same wavelength: meals, training, performances, rodas, spare times, breaks all of it on the beat of ‘Ngoma, the primordial drum.
The workshops level was very high, with teachers and tutors giving their own peculiar imprinting and bringing their capoeira from different corners of the world for an open, enriching exchange. The last elements to make it something truly special have been nature and food: East Slovenia features calm, embracing landscapes perfect for open air activities; I follow a plant based diet and the home cooked food and home grown veggie have been the right balanced fuel for the high intensive training.”
– Sergi Drioki (Viking), capoeirista, vice-president of a cultural foundation
11 days of workshops, rodas, festas and debates
EARLY BIRD PRICE!!! 350 € FOR THE FIRST 15 PAX or registrations with payment until 6th of June 2024
REGULAR EVENT PRICE after 6th of June is 500 €
Be sure to register on time to reserve your spot!
- 4 days of workshops, rodas, debates, festas + pre and post-event workshops INCLUDED in price
- 3 nights in camp accommodations (bring your own tent!) with toilets and showers
- 4 days of local food (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) at Stari Pod
(for participants that are NOT ATTENDING the CAPOEIRA RETREAT):
PRE-EVENT (Ljubljana, 9. – 12.6) – 20 € per workshop/class EXCEPT for the workshop with mestre Russo de Caxias (45 €)
12:00 – 15:00h – Workshop with mestre RUSSO DE CAXIAS
15:00 – 17:00h – Roda aberta
10.6 | 11.6 | 12.6.2024
18:00 – 20:00h – Capoeira classes
There is an option of communal tent on the camping grounds or securing your own accommodation in vicinity, coming with your partner and/or family. There is an option of attending one or two days only. If you have any questions, please write an e-mail to Cavalo: [email protected]
SECURE YOUR PLACE by paying in advance. For registration details, write to [email protected]
Event is organised by Capoeira Balanço da Meia Lua, association Gibatorij, Stari Pod and domačija Zupančič
Supported by:
- World Flow! by Fluid balance
- Capoeira Sarawak
- Capoeira Batuque
- Senzala de Santos
- Cosmos Capoeira
- Capoeira Angola Palmares
Concept and text of the Capoeira retreat, Gathering of tribes Slovenia 2024 copy rights are from association Gibatorij and authors.
We also take the right to change programme if necessary.