
This year Capoeira retreat programme is all about atmosphere.

In the ritual of roda da capoeira, overall atmosphere makes the energy flow. It has the power of lifting the roda up or bringing it down. Capoeira is a social activity. Each participant knowingly or not knowingly adds to the aura. Players inside the bateria have to communicate. With each other, with jogadores as well with all the capoeiristas in the circle and the by-standers. We will also work on how to create a mood for the class. Refine o jogo. How to get the bateria groove. Get the festa going.  Each teacher will be given a whole day to be able to dive deep in the themes of their sessions and pass on the principles, philosophy and their vivid persona.

It is a continuation of the last year’s classes where the theme was communication. Sessions will be going on during the day and after break for food, swim and talk there will be a looong rodas where we will put to practice the new perspectives gained through their sessions.

Peak in contramestre Vaqueiro’s session – Gathering of Tribes 2023:

Mestre Russo de Caxias’s session

Mestre Federico’s session

Mestre Versátil‘s session

Peak in mestre Versatil’s session – Gathering of Tribes 2023:

Contramestre Thiago’s session